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51. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "L'urbanisme syrien à la basse-époque." Rivista degli studi orientali 33, (1958): 181-209.
Notes: Review see Cahen. Reprinted in his The Medieval Near East.
Subjects: Social relations
52. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "The Venetian Cotton Trade in Syria in the Later Middle Ages." Studi medievali (3rd ser.) 17, 2 (1976): 675-715.
Notes: Reprinted in his Studies on the Levantine Trade.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
53. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "The Venetian Supremacy in the Levantine Trade: Monopoly or Pre-Colonialism?." Journal of European Economic History 3, 1 (1974): 5-53.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
54. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "The Volume of Levantine Trade in the Later Middle Ages (1370-1498)." Journal of European Economic History 4, 3 (1975): 573-612.
Notes: Reprinted in his Studies on the Levantine Trade.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
55. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "The Wheat Supply of the Mamlūk Kingdom." Asian and African Studies: Journal of the Israel Oriental Society 18, (1984): 283-295.
Notes: Reprinted in his East-West Trade.
Subjects: Economics
56. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Recent Research on Levantine Trade." The Journal of European Economic History 2, 1 (1973): 187-206.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
57. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Il commercio levantino di Ancona nel basso medioevo." Rivista storica italiana 88, 2 (1976): 213-253.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
58. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Venezia e il pellegrinaggio in Terrasanta nel basso medioevo." Archivio storico italiano 143, 2 (1985): 197-223.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Religion
59. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Die Verbreitung des englischen Wolltuches in den Mittelmeerländern im Spätmittelalter." Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 71, 1 (1984): 1-29.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
60. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "L'ascendant technologique de l'Occident médiéval." Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte / Revue suisse d'histoire / Rivista storica svizzera 33, 4 (1983): 385-413.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
61. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Aspetti della espansione italiana nel basso medioevo." Rivista storica italiana 90, 1 (1978): 5-29.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
62. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Essai sur l'alimentation des diverses classes sociales dans l'Orient médiéval." Annales: Économies, sociétés, civilisations 23, 5 (1968): 1017-1053.
Subjects: Economics
63. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "New Data for the History of Levantine Jewries in the Fifteenth Century." Bulletin of the Institute of Jewish Studies (London) 3, (1975): 67-102.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
64. Ashtor, Eliyahu, East-West Trade in the Medieval Mediterranean. Edited by Kedar, Benjamin Z.. London: Variorum Reprints, 1986.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
65. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Histoire des prix et des salaires dans l'Orient médiéval. 572 pp.. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1969.
Series: Monnaie, prix, conjoncture, École pratique des hautes études, VIe section, Centre de recherches historiques, 8
Notes: Review see Issawi; Verlinden.
Subjects: Economics
66. Ashtor, Eliyahu, The Jews and the Mediterranean Economy: 10th-15th Centuries. London: Variorum Reprints, 1983.
Notes: Review see Wansbrough.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
67. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Levant Trade in the Later Middle Ages. 599 pp.. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983.
Notes: Review see Frantz-Murphy; Schatzmiller; Wansbrough.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
68. Ashtor, Eliyahu, The Medieval Near East: Social and Economic History. London: Variorum, 1978.
Notes: Review see Holt.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
69. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Les métaux précieux et la balance des payements du Proche-Orient à la basse époque. 125 pp.. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1971.
Series: Monnaie, prix, conjoncture, École pratique des hautes études, VIe section, Centre de recherches historiques, 10
Notes: Review see Digby; Katō.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
70. Ashtor, Eliyahu, A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages. 384 pp.. Berkeley: University of California Press/London: Collins, 1976.
Notes: Review see Holt; Labīb; Scarcia Amoretti; van Nieuwenhuijze; Werner.
Subjects: General works/Economics/Social relations
71. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Studies on the Levantine Trade in the Middle Ages. London: Variorum, 1978.
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
72. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Technology, Industry and Trade: The Levant versus Europe, 1250-1500. Edited by Kedar, Benjamin Z.. Brookfield, Vermont: Variorum, 1992.
Subjects: Economics
73. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Toldot ha-Yehudim bi-Mitsrayim ve-Suriyah taḥat Shilton ha-Mamlukim. 3 vols.. Jerusalem: Mosad ha-Rav Quq she-ʿal Yad ha-Mazraḥi ha-ʿOlami, 1944, 1951 and 1970.
Notes: Review see Ayalon; Segal; Udovitch.
Subjects: Social relations
74. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Storia economica e sociale del vicino oriente nel medioevo. Torino: 1976.
Notes: Translation of A Social and Economic History of the Near East in the Middle Ages.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
75. Ashtor, Eliyahu, Europäische Tuchausfuhr in die Mittelmeerländer im Spätmittelalter (1350-1500). 51 pp.. Nürnberg: Im Selbstverlag, 1982.
Series: Vorträge zur Wirtschafts- und Überseegeschichte, 6
Subjects: Foreign relations/Economics
76. Ashtor, Eliyahu, al-Tārīkh al-Iqtiṣādī wa-al-Ijtimāʿī lil-Sharq al-Awsaṭ fī al-ʿUṣūr al-Wusṭá. Translated by ʿAblah, ʿAbd al-Hādī. Damascus: Dār Qutaybah, 1985.
Subjects: Economics/Social relations
77. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Les lainages dans l'Orient médiéval: Emploi, production, commerce." In Produzione commercio e consumo dei panni di lana, Atti della seconda settimana di studio, 657-686. Prato, 10-16 April 1970. Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1976.
Series: Istituto internazionale di storia economica Francesco Datini, Prato, (ser. 2): Atti delle settimane di studi e altri convegni, 2
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
78. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "L'apogée du commerce vénitien au Levant: un nouvel essai d'explication." In Venezia: centro di mediazione tra Oriente e Occidente (secoli XV-XVI): aspetti e problemi, Atti del II convegno internazionale di storia della civiltà veneziana, Edited by Beck, Hans-Georg//Manoussacas, Manoussos//Pertusi, Agostino, vol. 1: 307-326. Venezia, 3-6 October 1973. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore, 1977.
Series: Civiltà veneziana. Studi, 32
Subjects: Economics/Foreign relations
79. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Il commercio italiano col Levante e il suo impatto sull'economia tardomedioevale." In Aspetti della vita economica medievale, Atti del Convegno di studi nel X anniversario della morte di Federigo Melis, 15-63. Firenze, Pisa, and Prato, 10-14 March 1984. Firenze: Università degli studi di Firenze, 1985.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Economics
80. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Le Proche-Orient au Bas Moyen Age: une région sous-développée." In Sviluppo e sottosviluppo in Europa e fuori d'Europa dal secolo XIII alla rivoluzione industriale, Atti della "Decima settimana di studio", Edited by Guarducci, Annalisa, 375-433. Prato, 7-12 April 1978. Firenze: Le Monnier, 1983.
Series: Istituto internazionale di storia economica "F. Datini". Pubblicazioni. Serie II, Atti delle "Settimane di studio" e altri convegni, 10
Subjects: Economics
81. Ashtor, Eliyahu. Review of Handelsgeschichte Ägyptens im Spätmittelalter (1171-1517), by Ṣubḥī Labīb. Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 8, (1965): 323-326.
Subjects: Economics/General works
82. Ashtor, Eliyahu. Review of Islam and the Trade of Asia: A Colloquium, edited by D. S. Richards. Asian and African Studies: Journal of the Israel Oriental Society 9, 2 (1973): 244-247.
Subjects: Arts/Economics/Foreign relations
83. Ashtor, Eliyahu. Review of The Civilian Elite of Cairo in the Later Middle Ages, by Carl F. Petry. Asian and African Studies: Journal of the Israel Oriental Society 18, (1984): 325-327.
Subjects: Social relations/Places--Cairo
84. Ashtor, Eliyahu. Review of L'Islam et la Croisade: Idéologie et propagande dans les réactions musulmanes aux Croisades, by Emmanuel Sivan. Bibliotheca Orientalis 28, (1971): 99-100.
Subjects: Foreign relations
85. Ashtor, Eliyahu. Review of Toscana e Terrasanta nel Medioevo, edited by Franco Cardini. Rivista storica italiana 96, 1 (1984): 214-218.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Places--Palestine
86. Ashtor, Eliyahu. "Baibars al-Manṣūrī und Ibn al-Furāt als Geschichtsquellen für die erste Periode der Baḥrīmamluken." Ph.D. diss., University of Vienna, 1936.
Notes: Written under the author's original name: Eduard Straus.
Subjects: Historiography/Individuals--Baybars al-Mansuri/Individuals--Ibn al-Furat



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